Makes 4 dawgs
Main Course


Delhi Dawgs
  • cauliflower,1,head,chopped into florets,
  • olive oil,3,tablespoons,,california-olive-ranch-extra-virgin-olive-oil
  • Kosher salt,,,to taste,mortons-kosher-salt
  • black pepper,,,to taste,tellicherry-peppercorns
  • hot dog buns,4,,,
  • hummus,4 to 6,tablespoons,for garnish,cortas-hummus-tahini
  • vegan hot dogs,4,,such as Yeah Dawg,
  • Brooklyn Delhi Tomato Achaar,,,,brooklyn-delhi-tomato-achaar
  • Indian all in one mix,,,for garnish,deep-all-in-one-mix
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Delhi Dawgs

Brooklyn Delhi achaar star Chitra Agrawal makes a hot dog like no other. Hummus and spicy tomato achaar are welcome change-ups from mustard and ketchup, and toppings of crisp, caramelized roasted cauliflower and salty-spicy hot mix add incredible crunch. Agrawal is a lifelong vegetarian, so these dogs are too. And they're perfect just the way they are.

Written By Chitra Agrawal | Jan 31, 2019


Delhi Dawgs
  • cauliflower,1,head,chopped into florets,
  • olive oil,3,tablespoons,,california-olive-ranch-extra-virgin-olive-oil
  • Kosher salt,,,to taste,mortons-kosher-salt
  • black pepper,,,to taste,tellicherry-peppercorns
  • hot dog buns,4,,,
  • hummus,4 to 6,tablespoons,for garnish,cortas-hummus-tahini
  • vegan hot dogs,4,,such as Yeah Dawg,
  • Brooklyn Delhi Tomato Achaar,,,,brooklyn-delhi-tomato-achaar
  • Indian all in one mix,,,for garnish,deep-all-in-one-mix
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Step one

Preheat oven to 425 Fahrenheit. While oven is heating, toss cauliflower florets with oil and salt and pepper in a large bowl. Transfer florets to a baking sheet. Roast for about 35-40 minutes, moving the florets around occasionally, until they are nicely browned but not limp.

Step two

Toast your hot dog buns. Slather the inside of the buns with hummus and place your hot dawgs inside the buns. Nestle in your roasted cauliflower. Spoon tomato achaar across the bun and top with hot mix.